Improve The Performance of Your Vehicle

21 Jun

Here at Juanita Collision we’re not only concerned about our customers’ safety, we’re also passionate about helping improve their experience with their car. One easy way to help improve the performance of your vehicle is to change its air filter regularly. Now is the perfect time of year to change that filter since we’re just coming out of Spring and the build-up of pollen has probably taken a toll on that filter. Not only are you breathing it in and possibly worsening your allergies if you have them, you’re also decreasing the efficiency of your engine. The pollen that clogs that air filter can over time cause your miles per gallon to decrease and your engine to have to work harder to get you around town.

So change that filter and get back on the road knowing your car is enjoying that cruise down by Lake Washington just like you! Check out the video below for how to do it yourself…

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