The Best of Kirkland 2012

04 Apr

Anyone who lives or works in Kirkland knows that it is one of the best cities, if not the best city, on the Eastside. From its downtown waterfront shopping centers to plenty of green parks for kids and pets, Kirkland has something to offer for everyone. We’d also like to argue that one of the best things about Kirkland are its small businesses and their unprecedented level of customer service. Maybe they’re all trying to compete with us for the well known “Best of Kirkland” awards 🙂

And speaking of those awards, they are back and votes must be in by April 25th! We were honored to be a finalist in 2011 and we hope to prove ourselves again in 2012. There are over 40 categories to rank your favorite businesses including fun ones like “Best Place to Take a Date” and “Most Unique Business” as well as regular business description categories. Click below to read more about the awards and vote for us for 2012!

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